Tuesday, September 4, 2007

An Inspiring Visual Journey


This blog makes me smile as I scroll down the page. I especially like the doorknob picture. When was the last time one took the time to notice a doorknob? Granted, we do not normally have artistic and intricate doorknobs, but nonetheless, I truly enjoy that she noticed those details in her travels. The other detail that I enjoy are the pictures that made me feel as if I were actually experiencing a part of the culture. The chocolate bunny is my favorite. Never have I seen anything like it.

As I scrolled down the page, I observed that the plants spoke to me on a personal level. This observation stemmed from the fact that I have recently been studying and practicing basic gardening and have come to appreciate the process of placing, timing, planting, caring for, and watching the plants grow. Rewarding and therapeutic are the best adjectives that come to mind when I think of the planting process.
Her flowers are exquisite, though her husband is the one that chooses the plants. The colors are vibrant, delicate, intricate, and very beautiful. Furthermore, I highly regard her inspiration and diligence in taking the time to analyze the plants she has, and list the ones she would like to have. She has set a goal for herself and has given herself direction for her garden. People should do the same in many areas of their lives, for in doing so, they would achieve much more.

1 comment:

Felicity Grace said...

I just came across your blog and was so surprised to read this! Thank you so much, it's really wonderful to see that my posts are appreciated.