Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sustainable Design (Special Report)

One of the largest obstacles concerning green design has been finding a technology that compete with the low cost of fossil fuel. John O' Donnell thinks he has overcome this obstacle. This is not accomplished by using wind power, or clean coal smoke, but with mirrors. John uses miles and miles of mirrors to focus the rays of the sun onto pipes containing water which in turn run very large steam turbines. This would mean that there would be no emissions to cause global warming. Again, the question everyone is asking is not will it work, but how much will it cost? Ausra, the company currently producing this technology, claims that their simpler technology already brings the price down to the magical 10 cents per kwh. As a result, companies are competing to build new power plants using this technology. This is very exciting news for companies all over the world as well as the everyday American concerned about the environment, renewable resources, and emissions.
Business Week Oct. 15, 2007 pg 68-76

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